Fantasma da Ópera Fantasma da Ópera - Prologue

The stage of the paris opera, 1905
(the contents of the opera house is being
Auctioned off. an auctioneer, porters,
Bidders, and raoul, seventy now, but still
Bright of eye. the action commences with a
Blow from the auctloneer's gavel)
Sold. your number, sir? thank you.
Lot 663, then, ladies and gentlemen: a poster
For this house's production of "hannibal" by
Showing here.
Do i have ten francs? five then. five i am bid.
Six, seven. against you, sir, seven. eight.
Eight once. selling twice. sold, to Monsieur Lefevre.

Lot 664: a wooden pistol and three human
Skulls from the 1831 production of "robert le
Diable" by meyerbeer. ten francs for this. ten,
Thank you. ten francs still. fifteen, thank you,
Sir, fifteen i am bid. going at fifteen. your
Number, sir?

665, ladies and gentlemen: a papier-mache
Musical box, in the shape of a barrel-organ.
Attached, the figure of a monkey in persian
Robes playing the cymbals. this item,
Discovered in the vaults of the theatre, still in
Working order.
Porter (holding it up)
Showing here. (he sets it in motion)
My i start at twenty francs? fifteen, then?
Fifteen i am bid, twenty, twenty five, thank you, sir.
Thirty, and thirty five?
(the bidding continues. raoul. eventually
Buys the box for thirty francs)
Sold, for thirty francs to the vicomte de
Chagny.thank you, sir.
(the box is handed across to raoul.he studies it, as
Attention focuses on him for a moment)
Raoul (quietly, half to himself, half to the
A collector's piece indeed . . .
Every detailexactly as she said . . .
She often spoke of you, my friend ....
Your velvet lining, and your figurine of lead...
Will you still play,
When all the rest of us are dead?
(attention returns to the auctioneer, as he
Lot 666, then: a chandelier in pieces. some of
You may recall the strange affair of the
Phantom of the opera: a mystery never fully
Explained. we are told ladies and gentlemen,
That this is the very chandelier which figures in
The famous disaster. our workshops have
Restored it and fitted up parts of it with wiring
For the new electric light, so that we may get a
Hint of what it may look like when re-
Assembled. perhaps we may frighten away the
Ghost of so many years ago with a little
Illumination, gentlemen?
(the auctioneer switches on the chandelier
There is an enormous flash, and the overture
Begins. during the overture the opera house is
Restored to its earlier grandeur. the chandelier
Immense and glittering, rises magically from
The stage, finally hovering high above the